
Rich Chocolate Pudding – The Secret Recipe Club

It’s time for this month’s Secret Recipe Club reveal for my group. If you’re new and don’t want the the SRC is all about it, it’s a fun way to find other blogs. There’s four different groups made up of members from all over the world and we’re given an assignment each month from another blogger in our group. This month my assignment was Angels Homestead, penned by April. April shares recipes that lead to a simpler life and is also one of the hosts of the “Friday Frenzy” link party. April has allergies to several items, so it was great to find a resource for some dairy free recipes for me. Though….I made her recipe for rich chocolate pudding. 🙂

It was a great treat for my kids and my daughter said it was “so, so good.” That’s a win in my book! My little guy loved it and had it all over his face. I guess that’s one of the downsides of giving him a big bowl of pudding.

Rich Chocolate Pudding | Join Us, Pull up a Chair

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup flour
1/8 tsp salt
4 cups milk (I used 2%)

In a heavy saucepan, add the milk and mix in the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil for 2 minutes and stir continuously. Remove the heat and divide into 6 individual bowls. Cover with plastic wrap, making sure to press the wrap to the top of the pudding to avoid getting a film on your pudding. Place in the refrigerate and chill until set. Enjoy!

Check out all the other great recipes in this month’s reveal, visit the link below!

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